
Takohacky - The Prodigal Son Returns

2014-04-15(火)11:30 - 17:30 JST


The Prodigal Son Returns

Loose schedule for the day:

12.00 - Toby & StudyPact Recap: Life in Tokyo, Hacking in Kanagawa, Sign Ups, Beta, Android App design... with maybe a little time for BitCoin.

13.00 - Break for lunch. Go eat together for more banter.

14.00/14.30 - Back to the office for chat, work, hacking on own projects, in groups, show your stuff, do you own work. We can sit around a big table, can have white boards etc, motivate each other. Annoy each other.

17.00/17.30 - Finish but welcome to leave or stay for as long as you like.
